
1-800-474-7044. Your order code is #70321
We require that all Priceless Pups dogs be kept on “NuVet Plus Canine.” This nutritional supplement is only available through breeder recommendation. You are expected to have this on hand before your puppy gets home. The order line phone number is: 1-800-474-7044. Your order code is #70321 the order line hours are 8am-6pm Pacific time. NuVet Labs sends us a monthly report on which puppies from Priceless Pups are being supplemented with NuVet Plus Canine. NOTE: ALL HEALTH guarantees will be considered null and void if you do not keep your pet on this supplement for the entire 5 yrs . No exceptions will be made. This is to ensure that Priceless puppies are receiving every advantage possible to ensure a healthy life. You will need to sign up for AUTO SHIP! This is to ensure your Priceless puppy is receiving his or her vitamins regularly. You also will save 15% on your cost. Sign here if you have read and understand the health warranty will be null and void if you do not keep your pet on the Vitamins via Auto Ship for the entire 5 yrs. Vitamins must be ordered on Auto ship! We get a monthly print out to make sure who keeps the puppies on the vitamins. If you cancel your auto ship at any time your warrantee will be filed as null and void. IF YOU CANCELL YOUR AUTO SHIP YOUR CONTRACT IS VOID. This is important to remember No dog will be warranted that has not been on his or her vitamins.